Additional information
Størrelse | 25 mm, 50 mm |
Weight | 1 kg |
Upgrade and build your cozy nook with these refractory wood-burning stove stones that bring safety and style to any wood-burning stove or fireplace. These refractory stones are not only robust – they are also a good and manageable size.
When building around your fireplace insert, it is important that you use the right material. These refractory stones are made of a firewood and heat-resistant material, and are produced specifically for construction around fireplace inserts and wood-burning stoves.
Perfect for:
Technical specifications:
Do you have a wood-burning stove that has been used a little too well? Be sure to check out our Vermiculite plates, because they will give the inside a facelift, so that the stove is razor sharp again and ready for many years of faithful service.
With these refractory stones in hand, you are ready for a project that is both fun and gives a result you can be proud of. And who knows, maybe you’ll be the city’s new fireplace whisperer?
Let the inner architect come out and give your home the warm touch it deserves.
Refractory bricks 25 or 50mm for building around fireplace inserts, wood-burning stoves and other places that require refractory stones.
kr. 45 inkl. moms
Størrelse | 25 mm, 50 mm |
Weight | 1 kg |
Størrelse | 25 mm, 50 mm |
Weight | 1 kg |
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Vento Nordic A/S
Over Hadstenvej 56-58
8370 Hadsten
+45 87 73 60 70
CVR: 27 31 77 23
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Enter your details below. We will send them to your nearest dealer, who will contact you as soon as possible for a chat about the product or other alternatives.