Premium V-2L-55h

Fireplace insert, 2-sided left-facing glass

Sit back on the sofa in the living room and control the beautiful, exclusive Premium V-2L-55h fireplace insert with associated remote control or app. The fireplace has no distracting frame, no visible functional elements, just pure fire: this is what characterises this elegant Spartherm fireplace insert. Even in smaller rooms, this exclusive 55 cm wide corner fireplace provides a perfect view of the fire. Available with a range of accessories, such as remote control and app, offering you a range of auxiliary functions to make operating the fireplace simple and hassle-free.

Spartherm Premium banner Vento

kr. 57.052,50 inkl. moms

In stock



Performance 7.9 kW
Door dimensions:
Altitude 50.1 cm
Width 64.2 cm
Depth 49.5 cm
Energy class A
Weight 265kg


Additional information

Weight 265 kg



Performance 7.9 kW
Door dimensions:
Altitude 50.1 cm
Width 64.2 cm
Depth 49.5 cm
Energy class A
Weight 265kg


Additional information

Weight 265 kg

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